The Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of St. Petersburg traces its history back to 1953, when the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Electronics and Communications named after A.S. Popov for the first time created a section of scientific and technical translators of Leningrad.
In 1989 the All-Union Association of Scientific and Technical Translators was established by the Board of the Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies of the USSR.
In 1991 at the meeting of the Leningrad regional branch of All-Union Association of Scientific and Technical Translators it was decided to transform into an independent Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of St. Petersburg (MoM of December 03, 1991).
At present the Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of St. Petersburg (ASNATEP) has 350 members. The Association is a member of the Union of Translators of Russia (UTR).
ASNATEP members are experienced teachers of foreign languages, engineers, scientists and interpreters. We will find a teacher or tutor for your task. With us you will conquer the Olympus of knowledge! And "Knowledge is the absolute value of our time". (M. Gorky)